[Mi Ran Park's K-Food recipe-43] STIR-FRIED MUSHROOMS
[Mi Ran Park's K-Food recipe-43] STIR-FRIED MUSHROOMS
  • Mi Ran Park(DaeBok company vice president)
  • 승인 2022.01.08 06:28
  • 댓글 0
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This column contains easy recipes that even beginners can easily make with not hard-to-find but common ingredients that will always exist when you open your refrigerator, and it will be a great culinary guide to convey sophisticated taste of home-made meals.[Editort's note]

Main Ingredients
3 shiitake mushrooms
Brown beech mushroom 
(oyster mushroom) 50g

Side Ingredients 
30g onion
1 green pepper

How to Cook
1. Shred the shiitake mushrooms, and tear the brown beech mushrooms if they are thick. Cut the mushrooms into shape.
2. Shred onion into 0.3 thick pieces, and sprinkle seeds of green pepper and chop finely.
3. Put cooking oil in a hot pan and fry mushrooms and onions over high heat. Add oyster sauce and fry to harmonize with each other.
4. Add sesame oil, sesame seeds, and green pepper paste and turn off the heat.

1 tablespoon oyster sauce
12 tablespoon sesame oil
Some sesame seeds
cooking oil

Cooking Master's Secret 
- Quickly wash in running water so that the fragrant scent of mushrooms remains.
- When using dry shiitake, soak it in lukewarm water to remove the pillars, and keep the cut pillars in the freezer to use for soup or stew.

Writer introduction
Mi Ran Park: Korean cooking master(대한민국 한식대가), DaeBok company vice president

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  • 서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로35가길 11(한신잠실코아오피스텔) 1214호
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  • 팩스 : 070-4009-2903
  • 명칭 : 월드코리안신문(주)
  • 제호 : 월드코리안뉴스
  • 등록번호 : 서울특별시 다 10036
  • 등록일 : 2010-06-30
  • 발행일 : 2010-06-30
  • 발행·편집인 : 이종환
  • 청소년보호책임자 : 이석호
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